Hello Readers!
Hello Readers!

Hello Readers!

My name is Jose Gonzalez and I am an undergraduate at CCNY majoring in English.
This website is my portfolio for English 11000. I have uploaded all my assignments on to this page. I try my best to keep my readers focused on what my writing objective is. Whether it be by learning something new, or by captivating my readers through stories. I always try my best.
Throughout the semester, I tried to improve my writing and word choice in order to avoid being repetitive. Looking back, I never liked typing essays, struggled to keep the reader’s attention, and didn’t put in the effort to add more paragraphs in my work to be more detailed. As of now, i can write essays with a decent read and short stories to captivate. I believe I have made significant progress since the beginning. I still have room for improvement, but that will take time. I hope you can see how my writing has improved. This semester, I had a great time writing all of my assignments.
Thank You for viewing my website

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